Desiree Oftedal
Desiree Oftedal, Director of Engagement, is a graduate of the University of Florida with a Bachelor’s degree in Health Education and Behavioral Science. Her previous work experience in the non-profit realm and as an entrepreneur and wedding planner provides Desiree a flexible platform to empower and serve the PTC team by engaging in continued collaboration with new and established partners.
By generating community awareness, Desiree manages the sustained growth of our mission through development, communications, events, and engagement with our Education Champions. Desiree manages relationships with local partners and develops materials necessary to promote new and annual programming, and maintains communications via social media, digital advertising, and various marketing strategies. In addition, she co-chairs our Outreach Committee which spearheads our three most impactful student enrichment workshops and opportunities for community involvement. Desiree has been a volunteer and mentor since 2018.