We are a 501C3 tax-exempt organization licensed to accept and solicit charitable donations. A copy of the official registration and financial information of our 501c3 nonprofit organization may be obtained by calling toll-free (800-435-7352) within the state. Registration does not imply endorsement, approval, or recommendation by the state. Registration #: CH50791 EIN: 81-5228014
We expand minds and ignite potential. We envision a world where genius, leadership, and excellence are cultivated in the most overlooked students in our community.
Join us on a committee, as a speaker, a mentor or a corporate sponsor.
Thank you for believing in educational equity. Learn more about our volunteer opportunities now.
You can make a donation right here on our website MAKE THAT DONATION NOW.
Registration #: CH50791 EIN: 81-5228014
MENTOR’s cornerstone publication, the Elements of Effective Practice for Mentoring™, details research-informed and practitioner-approved Standards for creating and sustaining quality youth mentoring programs and consequently, impactful mentoring relationships. The Fourth Edition, released in September 2015, reflects the most up-to-date research, practice, and thinking in the mentoring field.
The six evidence-based Standards are intended to be applicable across almost every type of youth mentoring program. Each Standard includes Benchmarks to ensure the safety and effectiveness of mentoring relationships, as well as Enhancements that may be promising, innovative and useful for programs. Additionally, a Program Planning and Management section offers recommendations for designing, building, and strengthening mentoring programs and services.
When you were young, did you have a role model who inspired you or was a positive voice in your life?
It takes one person to make a difference in a child’s life. You can be that person.
With all that our world is facing today, it’s more important than ever for kids to have a caring adult in their life who will encourage and empower them through real life decisions. Right now in Palm Beach County, 1,050 kids are waiting to be matched with a mentor. Watch to see how you can turn up your impact in our community through mentoring.
Research shows that students who participate in mentor relationships miss fewer school days, are less likely to participate in negative behaviors and more likely to graduate on time.
Spending just one hour a week with a mentor can help a child become:
55% more likely to be enrolled in college.
81% more likely to report participating regularly in sports or extracurricular activities.
78% more likely to volunteer regularly in their communities.
More than twice as likely to say they held a leadership position in a club or sports team.
52% less likely to skip a day of school.
46% less likely than their peers to start using illegal drugs.
27% less likely to start drinking.
A one-on-one meeting for one hour each week.
(Waivers, 2 Letters of recommendation, free/reduced lunch letter or tax paperwork, High School Transcript)
All materials are due by the application deadline. Upon submission of your application, you will receive an email from DocuSign to fill out the student signature. Once you sign, it will be sent to your parents as well. You will know your documentation has been submitted when you receive a copy of all signed paperwork.
If mailing, please send to the following address at least one week before the Early/Regular Decision deadline.
Path to College
313 Datura Street, Suite 200
West Palm Beach, FL 33401 -
No! The interview is going to be done virtually, and will be set up so that we can best get to understand you as an individual.
However, there will be opportunities for parents to attend a mandatory information session so that they understand the expectations of the fellowship program. CHECK OUT OUR FELLOWS EVENTS FOR THOSE DATES
Our weekly fellowship meetings are held virtually on Zoom for 1 hour. SAT Prep happens right after for 1.5 hours.
Currently - yes. In addition to our 3-year fellowship we offer a College Preparedness Outreach Workshop Series. This series takes place over 4 sessions covering the admissions process, college entrance exams, the application process and financial aid. Each session is two hours in length. If you are interested in more information, CHECK OUT OUR WORKSHOPS.
While our program is designed to be a three year program, there are circumstances where we will accept a junior year student. We encourage all interested students to apply to the fellowship program and participate in an interview.
As a part of the application process, Path to College asks for a completed application, signed Fellow Contract/Waivers, a high school transcript, two letters of recommendation, and a copy of your free/reduced lunch eligibility letter OR your parents most recent tax return.
As a part of the fellowship program, there is a “Mentor Match Night” that takes place after orientation where mentors and students are introduced to one another, and then staff determines the mentor-mentee pairing and will support the pair in their mentoring journey.
Currently, Path to College is taking a hybrid virtual/in-person approach. All student meetings and SAT tutoring are being held virtually. Our monthly enrichment days and workshops will be held in-person. However, Path to College continues to uphold safety measures at our in-person events that will be implemented in accordance with local guidelines by the appropriate governing bodies.
Path to College is completely funded via individual donors and through grants. There is no cost to students and their family.
Our weekly meetings are held virtually so transportation is not needed on a regular basis. Our in-person events occur 1-2x a month and will need commuting. If commuting is a concern, please let us know so we can work with you to come up with a transportation plan. (Please note that this will not impact your admission into the program.)
Yes! You can expect to meet students at other schools while in our program. We want you to have the opportunity to build your social network so we try to expand your circle and provide you with opportunities to meet other driven students who also have positive ambitions for college and career.
If you are unable to commit to our signature three-year program, that is ok. Path to College offers additional opportunities to grow as a student and work toward college admission. Throughout the year Path to College partners with various organizations to offer free SAT tutoring and free college prep workshops. For more information, CHECK OUT OUR WORKSHOPS for the most up to date information and schedule.
Even better: we offer free college prep and entrance exam workshops! LEARN MORE
Learn more about financial aid with TRiO at Palm Beach State College!
Check out this round-up of our favorite articles:
Here is a great reading list to get you started