We believe that students with high academic aspirations from overlooked communities need targeted guidance, career exposure, and encouragement from committed professionals. Since 2017, graduates from our flagship program, a 3-year academic fellowship, have achieved the following successes:


100% acceptance into 4-year universities

which increases their earning potential by 61%

60% accepted to top-tier institutions

which equates to an additional 21% increase in earning potential


eliminating the burden of student loan debt
  • an average increase of 150-250 points on s.a.t. entrance exams

    improving their chances of getting into better schools with better scholarships

  • applications submitted to colleges at 200% above the national average

    which mitigates “undermatching” that occurs when top students do not launch to top schools

  • +more opportunities to graduate debt-free

    through an understanding of F.A.F.S.A. and scholarships grants


  • High Achieving means students who excel despite extraordinary challenges. A student who knows furthering their education is the best chance they have to escape poverty.

  • Students who experience the double burden of going to school during the day and at night in dual enrollment so that their transcript will have advanced coursework.

  • Students who are influencers and have a keen eye on community challenges and what to be agents of change for the better.

  • Students who work part-time, who contribute to family expenses, and/or are tasked with caring for younger siblings, while balancing all other coursework.

    We want students who want to DO GOOD and GO FAR!




    "I know I would have made it to a local college on my own, but with Path to College's help, I am going to my dream school. One that those where I come from can only imagine going to."

  • Ketura

    “I felt like this Speed Interview Workshop was really beneficial. Before this workshop, I did not know how to make a resume or how to succeed in an interview. This workshop helped me prepare for future jobs and internships because I can take what I learned and improve upon myself.”


    “The Path to College fellowship has given me an amazing opportunity to explore many new horizons of life. I met a new mentor who taught me to believe in myself and pushes me to do all my work in time. The fellowship has SAT prep which is actually really helpful for our upcoming SAT exams. We have different workshops and community service events from which we can learn about different aspects of life. The three-day college campus tours were amazing and have me so excited for college after high school."


    “My favorite thing about the weekly SAT prep is getting clarity on topics that I was confused about. My favorite workshop [was Financial Literacy] which helped me learn more about spending and saving money. The fellowship has been great and I’m thankful for the tools we get and the different people we meet.”