Dr. Edwiygh (Michelle) Green
Dr. Green is an experienced and accomplished talent and change manager highly skilled in professional development and capacity growth. Her gifts in leadership operations can extract maximum value from human capital. She is exceptionally talented in delivering training, coaching, and mentorship and adept at performance management, both in the development of performance metrics and in the monitoring and management of employee success. Dr. Green is comfortable working directly with executives and organizational leadership to develop a thorough understanding of the business vision used to guide the creation of learning solutions.
Michelle received her Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Leadership and Adult Education from Florida Atlantic University, Master of Science in Instruction and Technology from Nova Southeastern University, and her Bachelor of Business Administration in Information Systems and Business Administration from the University of Miami. She received the Presidents Award for her development and implementation of leadership development programs from NCCI Holdings, Inc. and is the President and CEO of the Lightbearers Foundation.